Choice questions:(20HY in all)
1. We find cats endlessly fascinating because _____ .
a. we feel there is a good deal we do not know about their lives
b. we believe that cats have nine lives
c. they are different from dogs and horses
d. they can reach a speed of 60 miles an hour while falling
2. Cats have an unfailing fascination _____ most people.
a. with b. to c. for d. at
3.Cats never become submissive _____.
a. as dogs and horses b. in the way that dogs and horses do
c. as far as dogs and horses d. as for dogs and horses
4. _____ popularly believed that cats have nine lives.
a. there is b. Is c. This is d. It is
Translations:(60HY in all)
5. 这样就加大了空气阻力,并减小了它们着地时冲击力带来地震动。(10HY)
6. 孩子们总会认为他们的父母很能干。(10HY)
7. 没有无例外的规定。(10HY)
8. 他怀疑新理论的价值。(10HY)
9. Translate the first paragraph into Chinese. (20HY)
Answer the following question in English:
10. How do cats try to protect themselves when falling from great heights?
上一篇:世界聚焦:中央气象台:云南华南等地雨水较强 江淮江南多强对流天气
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